1982 was a banner year for genre movies. ‘Blade Runner,’ ‘Wrath of Khan’, ‘Tron,’ ‘E.T.,’ ‘The Thing,’ ‘Dark Crystal,’ ‘Poltergeist,’ and ‘Conan the Barbarian’ all came out in the blessed year of nineteen hundred and eighty two. You know what else came out that year? ‘Megaforce.’ No wonder it wasn’t a big hit. How could it have competed with such classics? How can we retcon this movie into being a classic? With the help of The Gentlemen Hecklers, that’s how!

This movie has so much cult cred, it’s a wonder it’s not a mainstay of midnight movies all over North America. It stars Barry Bostwick (from ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show’), Michael Beck (From ‘The Warriors’ and ‘Xanadu’), Persis Khambatta (from the nine-and-a-half hour ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’), and Henry Silva (from ‘Ghost Dog’, ‘Manchurian Candidate,’ and ‘Buck Rogers’). It seems like a cross between ‘Team America’ and the fantasies of an eight year-old on a sugar high playing in his back yard. Join us at The Rio Theatre in Vancouver on Thursday, February 28 as we provide hilarious commentary for ‘Megaforce’ and help it join the pantheon of Great Movies of 1982! Also there’s a full service bar, which helps.